Monday 27 August 2012


AudioUprise is the latest outlet for unsigned artists to get their music promoted. The website offers a facility to upload new music and get paid for it. Artist can also create their own community to promote themselves and build a fanbase. With many free streaming sites around we spoke to AudioUprise's founder Georgia to find out what is on offer for new artists..
What is AudioUprise?

AudioUprise is a newly launched website solely dedicated to unsigned music. Bands and musicians can create their free profile, upload their tracks and gig dates and they're there to start selling to public! We want to broadcast and expose the unsigned world to as many people as possible.  
It is an interesting concept, what was your inspiration to do this?
The inspiration for it all, it's a fairly long (and not very exciting unfortunately) but the basic jist... it started from a question a friend asked me, 'where do you go to find new music?'. At the time I was using Myspace for finding new music, mainly unsigned, but didn't like the way it was all so cluttered. It'd take me ages to find one band or artist i actually liked because the site had so many things going on there as no focus, along with the fact the stuff i did find was almost old as myspace for unsigned music had kind of died down. Anyway from all this my friend and I got talking about various ideas and it seemed to click- selling unsigned music on a user friendly site. It really just went from that one question.... I suppose if i were to answer the question with a straight forward answer, I'd have to say my friend Tom, without that starting question I don't know if the idea would've arisen.  
A lot of unsigned bands stream music for free online, what extra benefits will they get from selling music via AudioUprise?
There are a lot of sites for streaming free music online but none of which i think have the same feel or user experience to AudioUprise. It's a really simple site for both artists and users. Signing up is free, uploading is simple, it just has to pass a security check and it's up on the site. When selling the music we offer a very competitive commission from the downloads for the artist, money always seems to be a pretty nice benefit! There's a communal gig calendar on the site so people can keep posted on local gigs in their area, equally bands can just direct their existing and new fans from their profile to their gig dates on the calendar. I'd say the best benefit from AudioUprise is the fact we want to help, we want to expose these artists. We feel if there's talent out there, why shouldn't it be heard. People are more than willing to listen, it's just aiding them to find it. We use twitter, blogs, facebook and many other ways yet to come to promote the acts, all for free of course, because it's more pleasure than business. The way we see it for the artists, they have nothing really to lose. With free sign up, extra help promoting and the chance to make a bit of money off downloads we can't not see the benefits. 
How much does it cost to buy a track from AudioUprise? 
To buy a track from AudioUprise at the moment is set at £0.49p.
How is the price of the track set?
The price of the track is set at £0.49p as we felt it was a happy medium. We're not pretending to be itunes, we realise these musicians are unsigned so maybe the recording quality won't be as good but at the same time, doesn't mean the music won't be as good,  so it's still worth a fair price!  
Are you just working with unsigned bands or will you feature signed bands as well?
The site is an unsigned website and i don't think we'll be going to signed act though. The idea from the start has been to create a meeting ground for unsigned musicians and unsigned music lovers. A simple site with no catches, for the moment the way i see it, introducing signed acts on to it could maybe spoil that by pushing the unsigned music to the back, really all we want to do is put them in the spotlight.  
How do you see AudioUprise developing in the future?
Future plans for AudioUprise, tricky one to say actually. We've already begun to develop the site, I've had a few ideas already how to better it, for both artists and users, so those will be started on very soon. We're starting to develop all our social media platforms, it'll probably start to have more of a community feel to it, more interactive for everyone. Along with the site growing, AudioUprise is doing things outside the internet world. We're actually starting to run events under the AudioUprise name, we want to showcase the talents from the website on the stage. This is probably what I'm most looking forward to actually, I think it'll be great to get the artists out there doing what they love. 
If a band are interested in selling music on AudioUprise how can they get in touch?
If any bands or artists are interested in the AudioUprise site and they'd like to join up, they can either go straight to the site or equally they can contact me via email on or our main email    
You can also find AudioUprise at: facebook  twitter

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